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 Boost your Google Ads campaign on YouTube videowith TrueView!

Did you know that viewers who have seen more than one TrueView ad from your company have a 500% increased likelihood of engaging with your content and call to actions?

With TrueView video campaigns in Google Ads you can reach new customers in the fast-growing, extremely engaged audience of YouTube!

We collected all the basic info you need to know to launch and optimize your TrueView campaign. Use this factsheet to answer your questions -if you're just starting, or as a quick reference to optimize your TrueView ads.

In the factsheet you'll find: 


  • - The differences between the main TrueView ad formats you can choose
  • - The objectives you can reach with each
  • - The audience targeting and content placement options available
  • - How to launch a TrueView campaign
  • - Optimization Tips&Tricks for both your TrueView in-stream and TrueView in-display video ads campaign


Want to skyrocket your brand awareness and boost your business? All you need is in this guide:
How to set Up Your TrueView Campaign in Google Ads